Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Pirate Life for Me.

I went to the Tall Ship festival in Duluth back in 2010. It was awesome. I fell in love with Tall Ships and wanted to spend the rest of my life on one. Well, I haven't made that goal yet (yet...) but today I did get back to them! Dad and I made the early morning trek to D-Town (with a stop for coffee and donuts at Toby's) to spend a dreary rainy day touring some 200 year old ships. Overall we decided last years event was more successful (cooler ships, better weather, less people) but it was still fun going back.

Here are 4 of the 100 pictures I took today:

Fun/sad fact: In 2010, the prize ship of the festival was the HMS Bounty. Sadly it met its fate back in October and is now sitting at the bottom of the ocean. I can't believe that I was once standing on this ship (and met Jack Sparrow of the Twin Cities on this ship) or that a friend of a friend was one of the 14 air lifted out from this ship... woof.

Here is a picture I took in 2010.

H.M.S. Bounty

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