Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fortunes From the Top.

I had my bi-weekly meeting with my team today. There are about 40 of us in the meeting each week (though only about 20 of us are located in MN). So, the VP of our team/department walked into the room with a bag full of fortune cookies. I assumed they would be a treat for us to have (at 10:30 am) but nope, they were an ice breaker. Everyone got a fortune cookie and then we all had to read our fortunes out loud. But what about the people on the phone? You may wonder. Well we all had to read one for a person on the phone and our own. Mine was "Your career is moving more and more towards service to others." Not too bad for someone still trying to figure out where the hell their career is taking them. Who knows what it means by service... Hopefully I'll figure it out soon.

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