Monday, June 24, 2013

Under the Dome.

If you have known me at all, and my reading habits or asked me to recommend a book to read, in the past few years I probably would have told you to read Under the Dome by Stephen King. In fact, I loved the book so much it made a blog post a few years back (its buried in this post here). I have read it cover to cover once in three days (its well over 1,000 pages long) and reread several parts of it since. Well tonight it made its TV debut! The book is now a 13 part series on CBS. It's already a lot different than the book, but intriguing so far. Now I just want to read the book again. (JO if you are reading this post you better work on finishing it so I can take it back from you!)

Here is me, hiding from the dome... or something.

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