Thursday, December 26, 2013

Awards Season!

Its one of the best times of the year: Awards season!! With SAG and Globe nominations out its time to start catching up on movies. Today I went to two of them. After getting back to work, I went to Frozen (again) with the fam. This time in 3D (though I didn't think the 3D enhanced it at all). And after saw Wolf of Wall Street. Which was well done, not exactly what I was expecting. I'll be interested to see how that one does at the awards. I hope Frozen wins Best Animated Picture though. I just love it. And Elsa is my new favorite Disney Princess Queen.

And I hope this song (by Elsa, sung by Idina Menzel, from Frozen) wins Best Song (if you haven't seen the movie you can watch this. It doesn't give anything away that the trailer hasn't already).

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