Monday, December 30, 2013

The Weirdest Work Week

So, let me tell you about my weird week. I worked today, but my 960 hours that started in June ran out today so I have to take tomorrow off (shoot...). Our company is closed on the 1st. Then my new 960 hours restart Thursday so I work Thursday/Friday. Though hardly anyone will be in the office and I have little to work on so... It's gonna be an odd one. But I can't complain about it. I'm excited to have extra time to sleep and celebrate New Years!

This is a candle I got for Christmas. I didn't know sparkling icicles had a scent. But apparently they do!

This was lame. Here are more videos!

This is so legit. The more I watch it the more impressed I am.

I just love Tom Hiddleson.

But not as much as this dog loves snow!

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