Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A year ago today...

Remember when I said I was reminiscing about my j-term trip last year? Well I still am. So here is a boring picture of a souvenir I got in Venice followed by some pictures from my trip from last year! (Technically a year ago today I was in Nafplion, Greece... can I go back now?)

My roommates (on the trip) and I at the original Olympic stadium at Olympia. (Technically this was the finish line... complete with original marble).

The girls in Venice (with the Bridge of Sighs in the background)

More Venice! On the Rialto Bridge over the Grand Canal.

And my favorite picture from the trip. Put a group of kids together who have never met before they travel overseas and soon enough they become a family. Complete with family goon who tries to ruin pictures by taking out other family members. This picture sums up the trip perfectly. (Taken outside of some shop in Innsbruck, Austria.)

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