Saturday, January 4, 2014

La Fantome de l'Opera

I was woken up this morning with a knock on my door and my dad asking "Do you want to go to Phantom today, your aunts have an extra ticket?" What an awesome way to wake up. So I pulled myself out of bed, got ready, and left. Not the day I thought I would be having in the least.

The show was really good! They definitely revamped it since the last time I saw it a few years ago, and it definitely improved the show. Though I am still just so attached to the movie version (especially Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum) that I am never fully satisfied by the stage version. But I do love live theatre. Especially when there are shifts or changes that I can't figure out how they are done. Thats when you know its a good show. 

Also, check out this awesome song my cousin introduced me to.

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