Monday, September 30, 2013


Apparently thats how old this bottle is. Kinda cool. We got all this old alcohol from my grandparents a while ago and some of the bottles were really old. Like this one, which now sits on my dresser as a vase.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Life in Color

After a relaxing morning of grabbing coffee at River Rock, walking around town and up to campus, and sitting in the caf, it was time to pack up and head back home. We had to stop by campus on our way out to grab something so I snapped this pic. I'm a fan of it. 

This song just about wrapped up the day. Another OneRepublic one.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Homecoming 2013

I cannot believe that we actually won a homecoming football game. These things never happen at GAC but this year we beat St. Olaf. Epic. Today was similar to yesterday. Walk around campus, visit with friends, football game, bar. College life is the best.

We had our annual CAB reunion at a fancy country club. SO fun to see a bunch of Cabbie alums as well as current board members. We all swapped stories, heard about how CAB is going this year, and just caught up. Here's to hoping this picture makes it into the Gustavus Quarterly!

The plus side of coming back a year later is that more people have turned 21 so now they can join you at the bar! Including some of the people I met on my J-Term trip to Europe (as seen here)!

At Patty's they give you a stamp to show you are 21. You know you go to the bar enough when the bouncer knows you by name and no longer needs to see your ID. He also gave my stamp from night 1 (the smiley face) a top hat on night 2. I was pretty excited about that.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Home again


I have been waiting for this weekend since last homecoming (and especially since graduation). A weekend back at GAC with friends of all ages. Back to Patty's for a bloody mary and buff chips (more or less amazing french fries) and awesome times with old friends pretending we are back in the campus life. 

We walked into the bar and one of the bartenders said to us "Welcome Back!" It's like we never even left.

We stayed at the Duplex, aka Mount Olympus. It's all Greek God themed. Including the awesome table painted by one of our friends. Here is a sample of what it looks like. 

And here is the Friday night crew!

Thursday, September 26, 2013


I had nothing exciting to take a picture of today... so you get this guy! He sits on my bookshelf. He's pretty cool. 

Homecoming tomorrow!! AHHH!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Early Riser

I'm actually not an early riser (well, I am, I'm up by 6) but now that the sun is rising later I feel like I have been getting up earlier every day. It's getting to the point where I almost make it to work before the sun has risen, which is gross. But it makes for a pretty view of our HQ from my building!

I don't know why the bottom of this picture is so pink... it's not like that on my phone... odd.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


This guy has been my best friend recently. Since my IT Band has been acting up again I'm back rolling it out 3 times a day (more or less). Let me tell you, foam rolling muscles is not a fun activity... but it really does help. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Changes in Latitudes

So today, thanks to my lovely work contact, we got JIMMY BUFFETT tickets.

It has literally been my dream to see him. Top of my concert bucket list. I've read all his books. Know all his songs. Have been expecting that to see him I would need to fly to Georgia or Florida or something but instead he is coming to Xcel!! What a lovely surprise. 

We have been to the Margaritaville in both Vegas and Orlando. Here are the shot glasses we got while in Vegas.

I cannot wait until December.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Well if today didn't feel like a fall day then I don't know what would. It was a PERFECT temperature. Just perfect enough to go for a run (albeit a short one since my IT band is acting up again...).
Then I watched World War Z. 


Saturday, September 21, 2013


Today was the day. The event I have been hearing about for years I was finally about to attend. The Tommie Johnnie game. UST has a pretty good record; they have only lost 8 games in the past 5 years or something crazy like that and are on a 36 game winning streak (more or less, I don't know the exact stats). So everyone was expecting them to win. We spent a good chunk of time with the bro, a little bit of time at the game, and then I had dinner at the bros before heading home. I almost expected more from the Tommies. Though maybe I just didn't care enough about the game to care. Ha.

Friday, September 20, 2013


Today was another day full of miscommunications and changing plans. Ultimately, the picture comes from shopping for the Tommie Johnnie game that takes place tomorrow. I work with one friend who is a Tommie and another who is a Johnnie. Since I'm a Gustie and really have no opinion on who wins the game I thought buying this jacket would have been perfect. It is both purple AND red. 

I opted for a purple one instead since I'm spending the day with my Tommie friend.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Today we got to take a break from our typical desk jobs to hear THE Jeff Gordon (yes, of the NASCAR kind) speak to us about his Racing life as well as all his philanthropic work. It was part of the kick-off to our giving campaign at work. 

I collected all the 24 Hot Wheels back in the day when Jeff was a big deal so it was fun to see him in person. (I was sitting far away, sorry for the crappy picture)

But they played this video. If you haven't seen it yet watch it. It's good for a laugh.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Some days I just don't want to take a picture. Today was one of those days...

But check out this dad being Batman!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


So, since I have to pretend to be an adult now I started tracking my finances (it makes me feel more responsible though I don't really do much beyond looking at what I spend). The site I uses has this super cool chart breakdown thing that I just discovered today.

Currently this is what my monthly spending looks like. At least I'm spending the majority of my money on something important...

Monday, September 16, 2013


Spent a very stressful half hour at work trying to find tickets to Elton John. Lots of page refreshing. Lots of waiting. Lots of hoping I'll find tickets at the right price. Well... guess what:

Since my picture is boring today here are some videos worth watching to make up for it!

Wizard of Ahhs (Toddrick Hall is my hero).

I wish I could dance in heels like these guys.

I just love them.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Girls Night

The Newsroom season 2 officially came to a close tonight so the usual group got together to watch (and eat gelato and brownies). One of the girls leaves for France tomorrow. She is moving there for a good amount of time, so it worked out perfectly that we could all gather for one last episode. 

And let me tell you, it was a really good one. About time things started going right on that show... I tell ya.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Perks of Being an Officer

Sure there are things I have to do as a class officer, but the perks of being one? I never knew there were so many fun things. We all got super cool beach towels, tickets that would get us into every sporting event at GAC all year, and we got to spend the football game today in the President's Box. It was a lot of fun to spend time with everyone and be back on campus acting like a student again. I actually cannot wait until Homecoming in a few weeks.

Here is KB, myself, and a few of our CAB friends (who are still students) (Thanks BB for the pic).

Friday, September 13, 2013

GAC city.

So, we have this big class officer training thing tomorrow at GAC so KB and I drove down early to grab dinner (and margs) at El Agave and spend some time with a few friends we still have on campus. We ended up walking around campus some and reminiscing about college life. Needless to say, we kinda miss it.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Rice Krispy Treats!

Adele's is known for creating some pretty interesting flavors but none as interesting as Rice Krispy Treat. I was a little nervous to try it but holy crap, it was amazing. CP and I had a good time enjoying our ice cream and catching up on life. Hopefully they have it again before their season is over.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Mr. Buble

Tonight I got to spend time with the one and only Michael Buble. Let me tell you, that guy knows how to put on a good show. We had floor seats which was epic until we would all stand up. Then I couldn't see anything. Downside of being short I guess. However, there was one moment that made up for it all: I got to hold Michael Buble's hand. Yes. It happened. (See video my dad took below).

Here are some pictures I took of the evening.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

544 days

That's how long ago Gavin DeGraw performed at Gustavus and how many days it finally took me to (kinda) put together a "How-To" concert binder for the CAB board. I have been working on it here and there over the past 544 days but finally sat down, printed documents, and organized things tonight. This year is another big concert year at GAC. I'm excited to hear who they decide to bring. Working on Gavin was a lot of fun, a lot of stress, and a lot of work. It would be much easier to do a second time around. Hopefully this binder that I have created (kinda) helps.

Here is the concert crew (minus those who met Gavin earlier and were currently changing out the stage while this picture was being taken)

Monday, September 9, 2013

In Your Atmosphere

Made plans this morning to hang out with EV this evening. We did the classic pizza, beer, How I Met Your Mother evening. He tried to get me to watch some horror/slasher movie. I pouted till he changed it. (I win). It was a good time. Hadn't seen him in a while so it was fun to catch up. 

Anyway, on my way home I passed my favorite bank. They change their sign every week or so to say something awesome. This was one of the sides this week. So I pulled into their parking lot on the way home to snap this pic.

I was also listening to this song at the time, hence the title for the day. It's probably my favorite John Mayer track. I'm also still looking for someone to go to his concert with so... if you are interested let me know.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Until Next Year

Woke up this morning to the sound of rain on the roof of the cabin. Officially marking the end of summer. Granted its much easier to leave the cabin in the rain than in the sunshine. So I packed up, locked up, and headed out. 

Until 2014.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Happy Summer!

Spontaneously decided to head north for the weekend. And literally planned nothing. Didn't know when I would be coming back. Didn't know what I would be doing (besides sitting in the sun). Just went with it. Since I had such a short cabin season I wanted to get up one last time before the weather got cold. I spent most of the morning and afternoon reading on the beach then found out my friend, CW,  and his family were at his cabin and my cousin and his friends were at his cabin. So I went to CW's to hang out for a bit. We boated, swam, sang country songs, then, reluctantly, took the boat out of the water for the winter. I left there and visited my cousin and co, helped them start a fire, then went back to CW's to head out on their neighbors boat for a night cruise and then went to the Pub nearby. We ran into the most awesome wedding party (complete with obnoxious party glasses and horse head masks) and the bride was from GAC which was fun. I ended up leaving there early due to exhaustion and headed back to my cabin to crash for the night. 

It was a perfect day to pretend it was still summer.

This was the anthem of the afternoon:

Friday, September 6, 2013

Movie night

At work I was looking at Redbox to see what movie I could rent for the evening. I saw that Now You See Me is out on DVD so I went to see where I could rent one. There was one close to work so I stopped by on my way home. Unfortunately, by the time I got there they were out of stock (boo) so I decided to get Rise of the Guardians (which is a great movie if you haven't seen it). As I was walking out of McDonald's (where the Redbox was) my dad calls and asks if he should rent Now You See Me. So I ended up watching both tonight. And both are awesome. See them. See them both.

Here is my boring picture.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Office, Sweet Office

When I was down at GAC tonight I spent time back in the place I almost never left in college, the office. It looked the same but was different. The new CAB board was there when I first walked in and none of my CAB returner friends were around. So I left to grab dinner with EJohns20 then headed back down to work on photoshop stuff with the Publicity members. All my returner friends showed up by the end of the night so I got to see them. In all the time I was there I probably spent more of it chatting with friends than actually working, but it was fun to catch up with everyone.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Since I'm headed to GAC town tomorrow to help out with some CAB stuff I decided to write letters to a few people on campus then just deliver them through on-campus mail (save myself on some postage). Well, as I was writing I remembered that a while back I discovered my STICKER COLLECTION. Past-me had a ton of them. And I was pretty conservative about using them so I still have lots and lots.

I still love stickers.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Today was miscommunication central. I was headed to meet friends then locations changed then time ran out and I was driving all over. But I got to drive the Passat which is always fun. Now that the bro is back at school I have free reign on driving "his" car. Its got some pep. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Iliotibial Band

My new favorite thing... also referred to as an IT band. I went out for a run this morning and stopped about a mile in (at this playground) because my hip hurt. Its been hurting on and off for the past few weeks so I sent a text to my former roommate who is an AT and she told me all the things to do to fix my crabby IT band. 

Gotta love having friends who know things like that. Plus it gave us an excuse to talk and catch up. =]

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Headed Home

After another fun successful weekend in Omaha (and after watching two kids movies this morning) I hit the road back to MN. I forgot how long of a drive it can be when you are making it by yourself without stopping to visit someone. My drive consisted of a lot of singing, playing the steering wheel drums, and car dancing. 

Also this cool view.