Saturday, September 28, 2013

Homecoming 2013

I cannot believe that we actually won a homecoming football game. These things never happen at GAC but this year we beat St. Olaf. Epic. Today was similar to yesterday. Walk around campus, visit with friends, football game, bar. College life is the best.

We had our annual CAB reunion at a fancy country club. SO fun to see a bunch of Cabbie alums as well as current board members. We all swapped stories, heard about how CAB is going this year, and just caught up. Here's to hoping this picture makes it into the Gustavus Quarterly!

The plus side of coming back a year later is that more people have turned 21 so now they can join you at the bar! Including some of the people I met on my J-Term trip to Europe (as seen here)!

At Patty's they give you a stamp to show you are 21. You know you go to the bar enough when the bouncer knows you by name and no longer needs to see your ID. He also gave my stamp from night 1 (the smiley face) a top hat on night 2. I was pretty excited about that.

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