Monday, September 9, 2013

In Your Atmosphere

Made plans this morning to hang out with EV this evening. We did the classic pizza, beer, How I Met Your Mother evening. He tried to get me to watch some horror/slasher movie. I pouted till he changed it. (I win). It was a good time. Hadn't seen him in a while so it was fun to catch up. 

Anyway, on my way home I passed my favorite bank. They change their sign every week or so to say something awesome. This was one of the sides this week. So I pulled into their parking lot on the way home to snap this pic.

I was also listening to this song at the time, hence the title for the day. It's probably my favorite John Mayer track. I'm also still looking for someone to go to his concert with so... if you are interested let me know.

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