Friday, November 15, 2013

Good Leadership

Today was my first Friday off! (Update: I now only work 4 days a week for those who didn't know...). How did I spend it? Well I got up at 4am to help out at an event for Paul Batz. He does a lot of leadership breakfasts and conferences, writes books, and has a blog. (Check it out here - Click me!). Today was the last of the Leadership Breakfasts for 2013 and Don Shelby was the guest speaker. The event was pretty simple work wise; did some set up and tear down and then took pictures throughout the event. Don Shelby was an awesome speaker. He has a book - that I didn't know about till he mentioned it in his speech - that I might have to pick up. He read parts of it and I was super intrigued to read the rest. 

Then, after being so productive in the morning, I went to Home Depot (in heels - ha) to get bags for the rest of the leaves in the yard. Picked up the leaves. Ate lunch. Then slept till I met up with SK for dinner before we saw the musical Young Frankenstein at Minnetonka. 

And then I went home and went back to bed. I have quite the crazy lifestyle.

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