Friday, May 31, 2013

Camp Snoopy

Today was a day of recovery. At least for a while. It's tradition that Thursday night after the banquet is Bar Crawl. It was SO fun but I needed a good amount of sleep (and water) Friday morning to prepare myself for the rest of the day. After we grabbed some food for lunch, a few of us played bags and hung out in the yard since it was finally nice out. Then after a 2 hour afternoon nap we rallied ourselves and went to the Mall of America. The Senior Week event today was to spend 10pm-1am in Nickelodeon Universe pretending to be a kid again. It was way more fun than I expected it to be. At one point a bunch of the girls from my section freshman year (3C) met at the bumper cars and duked it out. It was a highlight of the night.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


After spending a perfect afternoon with EL & co. we trekked up the hill to go to President's Banquet. As a freshman, one of the first things you do during orientation is go to President's Banquet. You do the same thing as a senior. They have a few people speak, you get free dinner, and you take a lot of pictures. It was a fun event. And I'm not kidding on the taking a lot of pictures thing. 

Here is one of all of the girls. (And Gus).

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

7th Inning Stretch

By the end of today we have already gone through over half of the Senior Week events. Now THATS weird to think about. Today's events were: Brunch in Beck (free food in our academic hall!), Tailgating at the Ohle's before the Twins game, and a Twins game. It was a crazy busy day in which we still went to the bar after coming home from the game. Luckily we get to sleep in tomorrow. 

We were all worried that the game would be cancelled due to the on and off stormy weather we had. It rained up until we got on the buses to go to the game, was perfect through the game, then started to rain again the second we got back on the bus to go home. Someone was on our side. Plus the Twins won. Even better.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It Begins...

Senior Week starts today. Officially. There are planned events and everything. Today's events included an tunnel tour of the heating and water pipes below campus, the Alumni Fiesta where we were officially inducted into the Alumni Association (yikes), the Johnny Holm Concert (which was a fricken blast), and the Senior Dive (which is our dance club on campus). It was definitely one of my favorite days. So much dancing was done. 

On the tunnel tour, there is a mural painted for each class in one of the tunnels that the students on the tour get to sign. This is ours!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Final preparations

My Monday consisted of not a whole lot. Since I am completely done with everything I spent the day getting final things done like writing thank you cards and cleaning the CAB office. In order to prepare for Senior Week, the committee I planned it all with last year went to El Agave for dinner to reminisce about the times we had last year before starting our own Senior Week. KB and I then went to the final Senior Week meeting for this year to make sure the committee had everything ready to go. We finished off the night at KB's house and the bar for our final Monday in town.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Now what...

Since Senior Week doesn't officially start until Tuesday evening, I have to find things to fill my time now that I'm done. When we were looking through our freezer a week ago or so, one of my roommates discovered that I still had a pie crust leftover. They started to make fun of me for it for whatever reason, so I decided I would make them a pie after I was done with finals. And today I did! And it's delicious. Swedish Apple Pie. The best.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Today unofficially marked the end of my Gustavus career. I finished my last class and am completely done with my education here. So, in honor of that (and of others being done) we had some people over and had a ton of fun hanging out before heading to the bar where apparently I went a little picture crazy... gotta document the last few days I suppose!

Next up on the road to graduation... Senior Week. Bring it on.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Rainy Days

My friends and I all had this plan that once I was done with my paper we would hang out outside and play Corn Hole (or bags, or bean bag toss, or whatever you want to call it). But by the time I had finished my paper it was raining. So what did we do to solve the problem? Move it inside! Hopefully it will be nicer in the future so we actually get the chance to play it outside (and have more room).

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sun Soaked

I had this whole plan set out for the day, most of which revolved around writing my final paper of my Gustavus career. I wrote a total of one page. It was quite the hectic day. I didn't decide what I was doing until about 3pm as I was on the road. Here were my options and the photos that follow them:

My original plan was to attend the first Sun Soaker with EJohns20 and meet up with a fellow Cities97 intern. This is what I decided to do and I'm glad I did. EJohns couldn't go but I went and caught up with my intern friend, Fletcher, Min, my boss, and the rest of the Cities crew. It was fun to see them all in a, for me, non work environment. Plus we got to see and meet Lissie who was a lot better than I expected her to be. And it was a gorgeous day out so couldn't complain about being outside for it.

Here is myself, Fletcher, and my intern friend, A.

Option 2 of the day was to not go to Sun Soaker (A was bringing her boyfriend along so I didn't feel like I had to go) and to drive to LaCrosse, WI to see JO vault at nationals. I think the biggest thing stopping me from this option was the fact that I was running low on gas and since its $4.20 a gallon my bank account didn't like this option. So instead I went to Sun Soaker and then sat and watched the coverage online (instead of working on my paper, naturally). In case you were wondering, NCAA coverage sucks for anything other than running events, but I made it work. Plus it was a good excuse to not work on my paper (which is exactly what I should be doing right now...) =]

P.S. Yesterday's picture is coming. It's just on my camera which is still located at my friends house.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Each year at Gustavus there is a flip cup tournament on the last day of class. I went this year with some of my friends and we decided to dress as Amish heading out for their Rumspringa (which is the week they get when they turn 18 to experience the world outside of their culture). We were pretty proud of our costumes. Though we didn't do well at all in the tourney, we all had a blast being there.

Done with classes! Cross that one off on the step to graduation.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cuttin it close

So, somedays I forget to take pictures till the last minute. This was one of those days... Currently watching Miracle if you can't tell from this lovely photo. Probably one of the best I've ever taken. 


Monday, May 20, 2013


The group I went to Europe with, at least the majority of them, finally got together for dinner tonight. We have been trying to get together since we got home and now, a week before the year is over, we made it work. Better late than never. It was fun to catch up with everyone and spend more than just a passing "hi" with everyone.

Here is part of the group.

My Europe roomies!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Whale Done

We had our end of the year celebration for CAB tonight. Basically we all sit around and tell each other how much fun we had this year. We also played some fun ice breakers and a pretty intense round of Mafia. It was fun to look back on the year and how far we all have come both personally and professionally. Plus we had some delicious food. Three of us on the board this year are third year returners and we got these as gifts to our dedication and commitment to CAB these past three years. Hopefully someday I'll have a really cool place to put it. Like a study, or my own office.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Welcome to one of the craziest, most random, and most fun days with a great group of people. We all got together for breakfast at 9:30 and then spent the rest of the day outside playing frisbee, football, volleyball, wiffle ball, and just hanging out. It was a good day of fun in an otherwise work filled weekend.

Obviously I didn't take the group picture, but I took the other three.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Fun.

Even though it may be the last regular Friday of my college career, SF and I decided to take a chill night in to work on some homework since I did nothing all day. Currently trying to work on a paper for my Communication and Gender class about gender representation in the Olympics. Its the third paper I've written on the Olympics this year, not to mention I spent a month in Europe visiting Olympic Sites. I think I have a problem...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cities97: Signing Off

Today marked my last day at Cities97. It definitely had its ups and downs but I had a great last day and part of me will definitely miss going to the station twice a week. At least I made some great connections and can now visit familiar faces at Sun Soakers this summer. (Which are the new Oake on the Water's for those who don't know). I had a good chat with Fletcher on my way out (and got to see his adorable daughter) which was the cherry on top. 

I then went on a shopping spree which included purchasing a graduation dress. One step closer!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Today I officially came full circle in my Gustavus career. I took my last test ever (at least in my undergrad), and I went to the Inside Scoop Reloaded. Every year, the first years get to go to the Inside Scoop which is put on by the Peer Assistants. It's basically a crash course in how to get through awkward times in college. The Inside Scoop Reloaded is the same thing, but for the real world. So basically my title today comes from Darius Rucker's song because thats how I've been feeling these past few days.

After the show CS, AP, and myself went for a walk around campus because it was gorgeous out. We came across these lovely pieces of art and couldn't pass up on a photo op.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

So It Shall Be Written...

...So It Shall Be Done


(Side note: another 2D picture... I know. But this is history so it counts. Plus look at that 96 degree temp... Woof)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Same Love

This seems appropriate today as now both the House and the Senate have passed the same sex marriage bill. This makes MN #12 and I couldn't be more proud.

Also, season finale of How I Met Your Mother tonight. If we don't meet the mother I'm not gonna be a happy camper...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Crunch Time

I'll be the first to tell you, pictures of computer screens, or anything 2-D, are lame and boring. But I've worked on this project for countless hours this weekend so it's just what you are gonna get today. I can't wait until I'm done with it. Thousands of data entries in Excel are starting to make my head hurt and my eyes bleed.

 On another note, here is a throwback for you in honor of Mother's Day! (Though I didn't take this... I'm in it).

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cabin Opener

Instead of spending my day up north fishing as many do on the fishing opener, I spent it hauling logs, pruning trees, and sending countless piles of sticks through the chipper. It was cabin work day #1 and we did some serious work. We lose a fair amount of trees every winter, who knows why, and they keep piling up so today we started to finally clear them out. Some of these trees have probably been lying in the yard for years. Theres still a lot more work to be done but we made a pretty large dent.

We also got to watch the ice go out. It was fairly covered when we got there in the morning and by the time we left it had all washed up on shore. About time if you ask me, at this rate the lake will still be cold in August. Time to invest in some wet suits.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Visiting the Saintly

Ten down. 355 more to go!

After my long day of work today I went over to St. Thomas to visit the bro. I decided earlier this week since I will be at home tonight and I haven't ever really seen St. Thomas it would be worth the trip. I then later found out that MIAC Track and Field Conference was happening at the same time so I could kill two birds with one stone.

Bro and I walked around campus, visited some people, saw the sights and caught up on life before heading over to the track to watch some of the meet. He had to run to a meeting so I dropped him off at his building and went back to the track to keep watching. Saw a few Gusties compete as well as an Augsburg friend from New Years run her race. Mainly I watched pole vaulting since my good friend, JO, is pretty decent at it. He ended up taking first. What a stud. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Queen of the Bros

Today was EJohns20's 21st birthday. So in typical EJohns fashion she hosted a soiree complete with delicious appetizers and a delicious lime flavored drink. I didn't end up driving to work, luckily, so I got to attend her celebration tonight and wish her a happy 21st. Can't wait to actually celebrate with her in the near future. 

This girl has also accumulated more nicknames in the past year than I think anyone I know. Two of them are featured in this post. Here she is with her first legal drink (I think...).

Happy birthday girl.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Tonight on campus we got to go to the annual Senior Class Wine Tasting. You get to sample 8 different types of wine out of the 25 or so that they provide. Some of the wine we had was delicious, some not so. But it was a fun night to spend with just about every senior at Gustavus.

After the event I spent some time with SF watching movies before heading out to meet up with some other people. Once I made it to their house we had some fun creating magnetic poetry.

Officially two weeks of classes left. It's coming up fast.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

After All

The trees are back. I just can't get over them. Unfortunately I spent most of my day today inside either at work or doing work locked away where I could focus on it. I also addressed my grad announcements  and realized that there is only two weeks of class left... woof. Though, I spent my evening with some good friends walking around campus and doing a late night tour of the Granlund statues instead of working on the long list of things I need to get done in those weeks. No shame.

The title today comes from Michael Buble's new album. This song was on repeat on my drive home from work today. Love it.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring Has Sprung

And it's about time, too. Today was the first day it actually felt like spring at Gustavus (which is one of the best times of the year). It was warm, but not hot, and the flowers on the trees outside the Campus Center started to bloom. They are some of the best smelling trees on this campus. A week ago I was posting pictures of pipe cleaner flowers because there was still snow on the ground. Gotta love that Minnesota weather.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Tonight was the second annual Night of Distinction at Gustavus. This event was created last year as a way for student organizations to be recognized by other organizations on campus. They also serve dessert, this year from the Cheesecake Factory, and coffee. I actually really enjoyed attending. CAB was recognized, which was why I was invited, but it was fun to watch others be recognized as well. Especially those who are more than deserving of the awards they received. Plus it was a good two hour homework break.

Now back to the grind. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Enchantment Passing Through

Tonight I got to go back to one of my very favorite places. Minnetonka Theatre is putting on the production of Aida this spring so DNA and I went to support our home away from home. The show was outstanding. The scenery was perfect, the costumes were elaborate and stunning, and the voices of some of the leads quite literally blew me away. It's crazy to think someone 16, 17, or 18 years old can have such a strong voice. 

DNA and I had a good time reminiscing about our days in the theatre before the show and during intermission, and how weird it is that we, at least I, know no one in the cast, pit, or crew anymore. We didn't even stay to wait for the cast to come into the lobby. 

At Tonka the tradition of painting the rock still lives on. Usually before opening night of the show the crew, and some of the cast and pit, will paint the rock for those in the theatre that we have lost the past few years. It makes me smile to know that the tradition still lives on. I'm curious to see if it happens next year when all of the people who knew these three are gone.

This is a rehearsal video of one of my favorite songs in the show. I would sit and watch Aida every day if I could.

Aida Rehearsal: "A Step Too Far" from Minnetonka Theatre on Vimeo.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Welcome to the first of probably many Instagram photos. The nice thing about doing this 365 is now I have an iPhone which makes picture taking way more convenient when I don't want to haul around a big camera. I also have a problem with how much I love Instagram, as horrible of a cliché that might be... so just prepare yourself.

Today I went to the last G Sharp concert here on campus. G Sharp is an a-cappella group at Gustavus and they are awesome. Tons of people show up whenever and wherever they perform. Plus its always good to support the friends I have in the group. And AAlbanz performed the opening and the intermission. His songs are always good for a laugh.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Life Sounds Like.


It happened today. Finally. 42 days later than when ice out happened last year. I was lucky enough to be home to walk around Excelsior today and enjoy the sound of water again, regardless of how cold it was. I even saw a few boats out on the lake, clearly everyone was ready for it to happen.

The reason I ventured back to Tonka Town was to take pictures of the following gems. Had a blast. It's always amusing to watch other siblings from an outside standpoint. It makes me wonder how people view my brother and I when we are together cause we are, well, it's always an adventure to say the least. So we took some photos at Centennial Lakes, went to dinner at P.F. Chang's, then went back and watched last nights Nashville. It was all exactly what I needed today. Fun, sun (kinda), and open water. 

Also, HUGE shout out to Sara Jayne Photography for letting me borrow her camera, lens, card, flash, and backpack of photo goodness for taking pictures today. I worked for Sara a few summers ago and for a J-Term and loved it. She is an amazing photographer so--shameless plug--if you ever need a photog call on her. Check out her work on her Facebook or her Website!

Last thing, the title for today comes from this song. It was on repeat on my drive to the cities this afternoon. You just can't help but smile when you listen to it.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


It's bbaaaacckkkkkkkk!

Welcome to my third attempt at a 365. For those unaware of what a 365 is, its a photo project where you take one picture a day for a year. I did one successfully my Senior year of high school/Freshman year of college and one unsuccessfully my Freshman year of college/Sophomore year of college. I have been wanting to do another one for a while and decided yesterday that why not start today, May 1. We will see how far I end up getting...

Since today is May Day (though it doesn't feel like it with the snow), the Peer Assistants at GAC made flowers that we could send to friends through the POs. So I spent a good amount of time sitting and sending flowers today. Too bad we couldn't send real flowers... Whatever happened to the whole "April showers brings May flowers" saying. So far all I've been seeing is straight snow. Someday it will be spring. I just know it.

Also, don't be surprised when (or if) I change the title of this blog... I'm using an old one that was meant for something else that I never turned into anything (apparently I have a knack for doing that with my blogs). 

Until tomorrow!