Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cabin Opener

Instead of spending my day up north fishing as many do on the fishing opener, I spent it hauling logs, pruning trees, and sending countless piles of sticks through the chipper. It was cabin work day #1 and we did some serious work. We lose a fair amount of trees every winter, who knows why, and they keep piling up so today we started to finally clear them out. Some of these trees have probably been lying in the yard for years. Theres still a lot more work to be done but we made a pretty large dent.

We also got to watch the ice go out. It was fairly covered when we got there in the morning and by the time we left it had all washed up on shore. About time if you ask me, at this rate the lake will still be cold in August. Time to invest in some wet suits.

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