Saturday, May 4, 2013

Enchantment Passing Through

Tonight I got to go back to one of my very favorite places. Minnetonka Theatre is putting on the production of Aida this spring so DNA and I went to support our home away from home. The show was outstanding. The scenery was perfect, the costumes were elaborate and stunning, and the voices of some of the leads quite literally blew me away. It's crazy to think someone 16, 17, or 18 years old can have such a strong voice. 

DNA and I had a good time reminiscing about our days in the theatre before the show and during intermission, and how weird it is that we, at least I, know no one in the cast, pit, or crew anymore. We didn't even stay to wait for the cast to come into the lobby. 

At Tonka the tradition of painting the rock still lives on. Usually before opening night of the show the crew, and some of the cast and pit, will paint the rock for those in the theatre that we have lost the past few years. It makes me smile to know that the tradition still lives on. I'm curious to see if it happens next year when all of the people who knew these three are gone.

This is a rehearsal video of one of my favorite songs in the show. I would sit and watch Aida every day if I could.

Aida Rehearsal: "A Step Too Far" from Minnetonka Theatre on Vimeo.

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