Friday, August 2, 2013

Hawaii: 2014

Hotels have been booked! Well, one has. We are going to Kauai for awhile then heading to the Big Island to see the volcano for a nice long vacation in March. And let me tell you... I'm already counting down the days (228, in case you wanted to know). My mom's side of the fam visited Hawaii (Maui and Oahu) back in 2000. I was 8. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I could draw you the layout of our villa if you asked me to, complete with our own plunge pool. This time there will be no plunge pool but several encounters with waterfalls, tropical fruit, plumerias, palm trees, and the ocean.

Maybe I'll even get a new keychain to replace this one I got last time we were there.

Here are some pictures from our last trip where The Bro looked derpy and I looked not as excited as I should have to be there.


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