Thursday, October 31, 2013

Back in the Studio

Almost 6 months later I found myself back in one of my favorite places today. When one of my Cities Intern friends and I heard that Ben Rector was coming to Studio C we decided to pull some strings and see if we could sneak in. (Interns basically have no chance of winning anything ever). Turns out we asked the right people and found ourselves back at the place we spent way too much time in the spring. Immediately we wanted to fix things the current interns were doing wrong. Classic. It was a lot of fun to see everyone again. We made some pretty good friends at the station while we were there so its fun to catch up with them. 

Here are some pics from the day. There is one with me and Ben somewhere, it hasn't been uploaded to the Cities97 site yet though so I'll add that one once its posted.

Ben! (I was sitting in the back and my iPhone is old... boo).

Green Mill catered in lunch. Hence their logo. Mmm.

The Studio.

Me, Paul Fletcher (afternoon DJ), My Intern Friend, Min Lee (Evening/Weekend DJ). Some of my favorite people basically.

Happy Halloween!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Apparently the only thing I post pictures of now is rehearsal... can you tell it's taking over my life? Cause it is. Tonight at rehearsal we only had adults (which was so nice, the kids were insane last night). I was talking to one of the "Governors," as he plays in the show" and noticed he was wearing a Gustavus class ring. Turns out he not only graduated from there but also used to work in the admissions office. We bonded. 

Gusties for life. (Also, hello grainstorm in my picture... yikes).

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Well, this is what my typical night looks like. Sometimes there are more people here, sometimes less. But its about this crazy. (Notice the awesome blue tape job on the floor courtesy of yours truly. That was my accomplishment today). Typically I sit on the left side of the table you see. Tonight I was in charge of recording video of the choreography the kids were working on. We have almost all of Act 1 blocked! Not too bad if you ask me!

Monday, October 28, 2013


Let me tell you, one of the worst parts of being an ASM is having to tape out the stage plot in the rehearsal space. It's a lot of math, a lot of measurements, and a lot of work. Granted, it's through this process that I learned how to read blueprints/scale renderings. So I guess it has some perks. Anyway, tonight during rehearsal I sat and made all my measurements. Tomorrow I'll go to rehearsal early to get it all taped out before the kids arrive for practice.


Sunday, October 27, 2013


For anyone with the times on pop-culture, you have probably heard of Divergent. For those who haven't here's the rundown: It's a trilogy of books written by a 26 year old (well, she is 26 now) that is a combination of the Hunger Games and something else. (It reminds me a lot of the Hunger Games). Anyway, I loved the first two books and the third one finally came out on Tuesday. Since my week was crazy I didn't get the chance to start reading it until today!

Also, for anyone who wants to skip reading the books, the movie comes out this spring! (You'll have to read the book to understand the blog title today).

Saturday, October 26, 2013


 In working a full time job I have found it hard to find time for things such as doctor's appointments and other such "chores." It's not so much the time of going to them but the time of making them. Well today I crossed one of those tasks off the list and got my hairs cut! Though in all honesty if you saw me walking around you probably wouldn't notice. It isn't that much shorter, just re-layered and trimmed. It's much happier, regardless.


After (too bad I have no idea how to style my hair like this...):

Friday, October 25, 2013


For anyone who knew me way back when, you would have known that I was obsessed with Orlando Bloom, probably to an unhealthy amount. For anyone who knows me now, you would know that I love Miranda Kerr. Thus, I thought they were the perfect couple and baby Flynn was the cutest thing probably ever. So, for me today to find out that they are SPLITTING?! Ugh. I just can't get over how sad I am over it.

They were so perfect.

I say this like I know them... I don't. Sadly.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Studio

For those of you wondering where I spend all my rehearsal nights (so, all my free time)... this is where. Specifically at that table in the front. This space was never there when I was a student at Tonka. It was part of the big renovation they had the year after I graduated. It's much more convenient than using the Black Box which is located at the opposite end of the school. Though I still haven't gotten used to it. (Plus it's smaller than the Black Box so thats kind of obnoxious...)

Fun Fact: The chairs, similar to the ones at the Guthrie, are multicolored so that when the seats aren't full, the different colors give the illusion that it's more full than it actually is.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Read Through

Tonight was the first night the whole cast got together to do a read through of the show. It was actually a lot of fun. The cast did an impressive first run. You can tell who does theatre for a living and who doesn't. We applauded Oliver saying "Please sir, I want some more." Can't get over how adorable he is. We also decided Oliver and Dodger are stealing the show. No one can beat their performance. Unfortunately the show ends in a depressing way and its our "Christmas Themed" show... We will see how that all turns out...

Also, it's really hard to take a picture at rehearsal and not be creepy about it... I'll work on that one.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

SM Life

Back to rehearsal tonight. It was choreography night for the kids. Shockingly they were all pretty well behaved, and the choreography is pretty cute. I mean, it's Oliver... it's sad and depressing. But the kids are cute. Sometimes obnoxious.

Mostly cute.

Good luck getting this song out of your head... it's never getting out of mine.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Well, after claiming that my freedom was gone last week due to rehearsal I ended up getting tonight off. Win. Ok, technically I took the night off to hang out with one of my friends who is leaving for Singapore for a few months. After he left I watched some of the Voice. I've never followed it before but since there is a Gustie alum on it I figured why not.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cookies 'n' Cream

Or, you know, cookies and milk (which is probably better than cookies and cream. And probably "healthier"). Anyway, we bought some ready to make cookies as a fundraiser and so I made some! They make a perfect Sunday night treat.

Or any night treat, really. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

In the Round

Checkin another concert off the list! Spent my evening with DNA and my friend Josh Groban. D and I went to see him 3 years ago for my birthday and this year we went for her birthday. He had his concert "In the Round" this year which was actually a lot cooler than I thought it would be. (In the Round meaning he had a stage in the middle of the arena instead of on the side like most concerts). He's a great comedian, which you wouldn't think, and performs in white sneakers. He also loves to make fun of himself. I'm a fan. I also realized I have yet to purchase his new album... shame. 

Also, fun fact: He wrote 6 of the 13 songs on "Illuminations" in the Twin Cities. Basically, he loves it here. Win.

And now some Groban samplings:

I was pissed at first when he brought opener Judith Hill out to sing Remember When It Rained with him... then it was awesome.

The song he said he would sing at his wedding... meaning our wedding. Obvi.

And my all time favorite (which Josh plays his own drums for.. which starts after his drum sesh.)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Film Fest

To mark the beginning of the Twin Cities Film Fest, I decided to hold my own. After a wonderful dinner out with KN I headed to the nearest Redbox and rented two movies, both of which I'd seen before but liked so much I had to see them again. (Also because Redbox doesn't have any good new movies as of right now...) So started watching Iron Man 3, JO showed up to watch World War Z, and then after wound up watching Iron Man 3 all over again. Hopefully there are new movies out this next week so I can continue my Oscar Movie watching streak.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Had tonight off from rehearsal so I spent my night finally cleaning up the mess that is my room. Though usually when I clean I just can't stop and I start digging through things that I have hidden in the corners of my room. Tonight I found all of the things I saved from high school. Why I thought some of these things were important, I have no idea. But this one I enjoyed. LT and I used to have Christmas parties every year and they were pretty awesome. Complete with a dessert potluck, secret santa, christmas movies, and awesome invitations that L and I made. Including the following one:

It's slowly getting me ready for winter.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Second Oliver! rehearsal tonight. The cast is seriously amazing. The kids playing Oliver and Dodger should be on broadway or something. Plus they are just adorable little kids. Anyway, after coming home I went back and looked through some old prompt books to figure out how I organized them all back in the day. I gotta remember how I did this all...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

So long, Freedom

Got back to it today. Ran straight from work to the theatre to do some admin work for Oliver! (the exclamation point is part of the title...) and then wrangled about 30 kids for 2 hours of rehearsal. I haven't worked a show with kids in probably 6 years so this is gonna be an adventure. I also am realizing just how busy I'm about to get. I'll have Friday evening, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday off. The rest is rehearsal through mid December. Woof. 

Good thing someone invented Caribou and that it's still pumpkin season (and then shortly after that peppermint season. Yum.)

Also, one probably 8 year old kid said his favorite line in the show is "Shut up and drink your Gin" and we almost lost a kid (though later found out it was a pick up scheduling mix up)... so far off to a good start! (heh... *nervous laughter*).

Monday, October 14, 2013

Love Me Again

What a hectic start to the week. Got off work, went to happy hour with the 60 or Bust crew (our 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk team... fitting for breast cancer awareness month), got home just in time for How I Met Your Mother, left right after HIMYM to run some errands, came home and designed a Save the Date for an upcoming GAC conference, posting this blog. 


Last night of freedom until probably mid-December (more or less) as rehearsals start up tomorrow! I'm excited, also too exhausted to think about anything other than sleep. 

I also found another "new favorite" song. At this rate I think I have a new one every day...

I was also thinking today about what I'm going to do once my 12 months with this blog is up (which is only 6 months away... woah). And I figured it out. I'm pretty excited about it. And now I have 6 months to plot things like names and cover images. Can't wait!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


I have been saying all year how I wanted to get to a Vikings game this year before they tear the Dome down. Well... I had the chance to go today! (Too bad we lost by an unfortunate amount...). It was a lot of fun though. I ended up going with JO and fam (Shout out for the ticket/invite!) and we all enjoyed ourselves regardless of whether we were winning or not. 

Planned on leaving right after the game (around 4) didn't end up leaving till around 8. I suppose these things happen when you are having a good time.

Since it's October, it is their "Think Pink" season for breast cancer awareness. Kinda fun to see so much pink on the field.

Also, here is a song I love at the moment as an added bonus. You're welcome.

And another...

(I'm obsessed with Lorde's new album... if you can't tell)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Cassadee Pope

Today I put on my K102 apparel once again and got back into the musical world of things. A few days ago my boss called me asking me to help out with an event she was short staffed for so I said sure why not. I wasn't doing anything... Well, turns out it was the easiest event ever and I got to meet/watch Cassadee Pope perform. Not a bad event to work if you ask me. Plus I got free tickets to Trail of Terror and free apps at Toby Keith's. Not too bad...

Also get to cross Captain Phillips off my Oscar watching list. (Insert check motion here).

Friday, October 11, 2013

Gatsby? What Gatsby...

Classic Friday night during Oscar season for me. Made it through a day of work (my boss told me go to home a half hour early... I just love my boss) and met SF at the theatre to see Rush. I was surprised at how much I liked it, especially the ending. I thought it was well done. They did a cool job mixing footage of the actors and footage of the real people. I hope it makes it up for some Oscar. Then, on my way home, I stopped and picked up The Great Gatsby from Redbox, which I had yet to see. So then sat and watched that. 

I didn't expect much since it got such poor reviews but I ended up really liking it. I've always been a fan of Baz, the director, and his movies (ie. Romeo + Juliet, Moulin Rouge) and this one followed suit. He's quite creative artistically, the more you watch his movies the more you can pick out the things that give it that "Baz" feel. He is also a genius when it comes to soundtracks. I don't know how he does it, but they are always phenomenal. 

Here is a boring picture.

I hope this song wins an Oscar. Or is at least nominated for it. I'm obsessed.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

It is fall....


At least, I think so. But someone forgot to tell the weather... and this flower. Apparently our tropical flowers are still going strong, even here in mid-October. Crazy... Tonight was another chill night. Stayed home, watched TV. Typical night.

I did skip watching Grey's Anatomy to watch Glee tonight however. I haven't watched Glee in years but tonight was the Remembering Cory episode so I figured I had to tune in. It was horribly depressing.  Super well done, as far as Glee goes. If you need a good cry ever, watch the song below. (Bring on the sobs... I get emotional just thinking about it)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


It's something that happens every day now... unfortunately. Each day the sun rises a little later so each day I make it to work a litter sooner than the sun. The plus side of this is that I get to drive right into the sunrise every day. Most days the sunrise is pretty awesome to watch. Including today's. Though its tough to capture it on camera so here is my crappy picture...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Video Time!

As you have noticed by now... there are days when I either forget or just choose not to take a picture until right before I go to bed. Well, today was one of those days... So here is my awesome picture (blah) and videos following to make up for it!

As per usual.

I've been on an Ylvis kick. Here are two of their lesser known hits.

Monday, October 7, 2013

5,280 feet

So, I'm trying to work through this IT Band issue which means I need to continue to run on it then stretch and roll it to try to loosen it up. So this was the view of my run tonight as I went on the path through the woods a few roads over. I love running on the trail here; it's isolated, woodsy, and all dirt trail. It's perfect, especially when you are there by yourself. 

If only I can get back into the swing of things and keep running more than a mile...

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Typically when the madre goes out of town I end up cooking a few of the meals. I invented one of my own dishes on Friday (basically just threw lots of veggies into an Alfredo pasta) and my dad liked it so much he said "Make it on Sunday!" So I did. With even MORE veggies (hence all of the mushrooms). Topped it off with a Bloody Mary and called it good!

And it was. Good. 

Also, saw Gravity today with the PIC. Had the lowest of expectations, didn't even really want to see it. LOVED it. Thought it was fantastic. Recommend it. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Well, remember when I said my weekend wouldn't be calm... it wasn't. Well, it kinda wasn't. I ended up going to happy hour today around 12:30. Stayed till almost 4. It was fun to catch up with the PIC and spend some time in the lovely town of Excelsior, even though it was rainy all day. The rest of the day was more on the calm side. Watched about half of Season 8 of How I Met Your Mother and went to bed early. 

Here is a picture of another random object in my room. This guy is from Junior year at GAC, my roommate and I had about 4 of these guys. Dollar section at Target. Gotta love it.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Le Theatre

So, after a long crazy day at work today I found myself back at this place. Never thought this would be my place of choice on a Friday afternoon, yet here I was. I spent some time walking around and visiting the old Tech Director. Ended up leaving with a new job as an Assistant Stage Manager for the winter show this year (Oliver). Another thing I never thought I would go back to... But I'm excited to have to spend some time in this place again.

Also, after planning on having a nice calm relaxing weekend, I found out tonight the old PIC (Partner in Crime) is in town this weekend. I have a feeling it won't be the relaxing weekend I was looking for... bring it on.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Crazy Aunts

So, I have this crazy aunt. I'm not related to her at all but she's practically, well, an aunt. So I got together with her tonight to cook dinner and catch up. We made a delicious Teryiaki Salmon Pasta dish. It was amazing. I figured I would leave after dinner but ended up staying for another few hours watching Thursday night TV. 

If she's my crazy aunt, then this guy (her dog) must be my crazy cousin!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wharf's end

They said today was the last warm day of the summer, so naturally CP, KN and myself decided to head to Fletcher's for one last round of "summer" on the Wharf. Granted by the time we got there it started getting cold and cloudy. We were also basically the only ones there... apparently all the lake spots become ghost towns in the fall/winter. 

But their food stays just as delicious. Mmm.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Universe at its Limits

It's that time of year again: Nobel! One of those times in the year when my inner nerd comes out and I sit and learn about things all day long. I listened to all the speeches at work today while they were on. Luckily my boss shares a mutual appreciation for the Nobel Conference so we both listened to them all day and chatted about what we understood and what was confusing or how awesome peoples accents were. 
