Sunday, October 13, 2013


I have been saying all year how I wanted to get to a Vikings game this year before they tear the Dome down. Well... I had the chance to go today! (Too bad we lost by an unfortunate amount...). It was a lot of fun though. I ended up going with JO and fam (Shout out for the ticket/invite!) and we all enjoyed ourselves regardless of whether we were winning or not. 

Planned on leaving right after the game (around 4) didn't end up leaving till around 8. I suppose these things happen when you are having a good time.

Since it's October, it is their "Think Pink" season for breast cancer awareness. Kinda fun to see so much pink on the field.

Also, here is a song I love at the moment as an added bonus. You're welcome.

And another...

(I'm obsessed with Lorde's new album... if you can't tell)

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