Saturday, October 19, 2013

In the Round

Checkin another concert off the list! Spent my evening with DNA and my friend Josh Groban. D and I went to see him 3 years ago for my birthday and this year we went for her birthday. He had his concert "In the Round" this year which was actually a lot cooler than I thought it would be. (In the Round meaning he had a stage in the middle of the arena instead of on the side like most concerts). He's a great comedian, which you wouldn't think, and performs in white sneakers. He also loves to make fun of himself. I'm a fan. I also realized I have yet to purchase his new album... shame. 

Also, fun fact: He wrote 6 of the 13 songs on "Illuminations" in the Twin Cities. Basically, he loves it here. Win.

And now some Groban samplings:

I was pissed at first when he brought opener Judith Hill out to sing Remember When It Rained with him... then it was awesome.

The song he said he would sing at his wedding... meaning our wedding. Obvi.

And my all time favorite (which Josh plays his own drums for.. which starts after his drum sesh.)

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