Monday, October 14, 2013

Love Me Again

What a hectic start to the week. Got off work, went to happy hour with the 60 or Bust crew (our 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk team... fitting for breast cancer awareness month), got home just in time for How I Met Your Mother, left right after HIMYM to run some errands, came home and designed a Save the Date for an upcoming GAC conference, posting this blog. 


Last night of freedom until probably mid-December (more or less) as rehearsals start up tomorrow! I'm excited, also too exhausted to think about anything other than sleep. 

I also found another "new favorite" song. At this rate I think I have a new one every day...

I was also thinking today about what I'm going to do once my 12 months with this blog is up (which is only 6 months away... woah). And I figured it out. I'm pretty excited about it. And now I have 6 months to plot things like names and cover images. Can't wait!

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