Tuesday, October 15, 2013

So long, Freedom

Got back to it today. Ran straight from work to the theatre to do some admin work for Oliver! (the exclamation point is part of the title...) and then wrangled about 30 kids for 2 hours of rehearsal. I haven't worked a show with kids in probably 6 years so this is gonna be an adventure. I also am realizing just how busy I'm about to get. I'll have Friday evening, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday off. The rest is rehearsal through mid December. Woof. 

Good thing someone invented Caribou and that it's still pumpkin season (and then shortly after that peppermint season. Yum.)

Also, one probably 8 year old kid said his favorite line in the show is "Shut up and drink your Gin" and we almost lost a kid (though later found out it was a pick up scheduling mix up)... so far off to a good start! (heh... *nervous laughter*).

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